
We appreciate everyone that buys from us and we want the buying process to be as clear and smooth as possible. Please read below, including all of the tabs, so you will understand how our process works. If, after reading all of the below, please do not hesitate to ask any questions you still have via email, Orders@TheWCSupply.com or phone (800) 917-7736. The ordering process will flow like this and from start to finish and will generally take 2-4 weeks from the time you pay for the order: Plan Double checking your order Order processing Shipping date set Cabinets are shipped Cabinets are delivered Follow up Disclaimers Note: If you are just ordering door samples, the process is much more consolidated and they usually arrive in about a week. Click the links below to read about each step of the process before ordering:

What To Expect When Ordering
We appreciate everyone that buys from us and we want the buying process to be as clear and smooth as possible.  Please read below, including all of the tabs...
Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 3:35 PM